Tuesday, December 25, 2012

What kind of mobile phones will you pick for new year

If you use one of the many smartphones out there, you surely are not only using it for calling and writing messages. For a smartphone are so many different apps available that it can make at least curious.

You also could browse through internet with older cell phones. Still, it is much more comfortable now browsing with cheap phones. You often even find apps from different websites which optimized the layout for their website for smartphones.
There are also many different games and tools and anything you can think of.

Popular devices are for example are the Samsung Galaxy S III or the iPhone 5. The iPhone was the first most popular device and almost one of the first good smartphones. With their operating system iOS and the available apps they made a change in the way of using a smartphone.

It is some years ago since the first iPhone came out and created a very big hype. It was something new, refreshing and the best one available. At first the prices were very high, still they gained a fanbase and it even is a status symbol nowadays.
The iPhone 5 is the latest and is the 6th generation of the iPhone. While many claim that there is nothing the competitor can’t do, others still like to use and buy the apple product. It is also often the case that you like to buy devices from a certain manufacturer, like samsung, sony, toshiba, lenovo or apple. If they produce different devices they even can be linked together and you can gain some advantages through having more devices from the same manufacturer.

Additionally you may got used to the operating system and the whole design and service. It is not bad to choose the same manufacturer again if you had been satisfied before. You can be sure that you will get the same quality again,cheap android phones are most people's choice.Now when it comes to market share, Google’s Android has been roundly trouncing Apple.

Also accessories are available for the iPhone and many third-party manufactuerer specialized on apple products and popular devices. For example can you find plenty of cheap cases for iPhone 5 or Samsung Galaxy. Some even imitate the design of the original one in order to arouse attention to the fans of the original designs. Still, you also can find nice individual designs which can provide you a change. Another accessory would be replacements, mobile power for iPhone 5 and other special phone models, lenses, screen protections, holder, cheap cell phone batteries and almost everything you can think of.

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